– 15 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris. Halo sobat inggrispemula apa kabarnya nih ? semoga dalam keadaan sehat selalu dan terus diberikan semangat serta motivasi yang tinggi untuk terus belajar bahasa Inggrisnya ya.
Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini kami dari inggrispemula ingin berbagi artikel tentang 15 contoh soal latihan grammar bahasa Inggris yang juga disertai dengan kunci jawabannya. Oleh karena itu mari kita simak bersama-sama untuk penjelasannya berikut ini ya.
Table of Contents
15 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris
A. Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris
- Bob’s daughter is very cute. ….. name is Mia
a. Her
b. Our
c. His
d. Their - The boys has been told the good news”
That phrase has a same meaning with ….
a. The good news was told to the boys
b. Good news about the boys has been spread
c. Good news has been told by the boys
d. Somebody has told the boys the good news - A: Let me introduce you to my friend, his name is David Foster B: …….
a. Where are you from
b. Is he from Singapore?
c. Where is he from?
d. What are you doin? - “He started to make a living after he live on his own apartment”
The underline word mean….
a. turn on
b. begin
c. stay
d. get out - A: Are you a doctor?
B: No, I…. just a nurse here
a. am not
b. do not
c. am
d. do
B. Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris

- A: “Is the new volume of this comic is available?”
B: “No,…… “
a. it is printing
b. it printed
c. it is being printed
d. it is being printing - Claire: Hello, my name is Claire
Sarah: Oh hi, I’m Sarah Farron
Claire: Sorry,…..
Sarah: F-A-R-R-O-N
a. How do you spell your last name?
b. Can you spell your first name?
c. What is your last name?
d. Who are you again? - The polices…. for that fugitive for years before they finally caught him
a. is looking
b. had been looking
c. have been looking
d. had look - Bambang, Mega, Joko and Bowo…… nice person
a. is
b. are
c. am
d. have been - He was helped by a beautiful nurse. What a lucky guy!
The underline word has nearly same meaning as…
a. pretty
b. cool
c. modest
d. friendly
C. Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris
- My sister ride her bicycle to school….
a. everyday
b. yesterday
c. last month
d. now - Riki: And here we are, the busiest port in Surabaya.
Joko: Look, a ship is coming!
Riki: I know right, they said it can carry more than 2000 passenger in one time.
a. How big is that ship?
b. What is that big ship?
c. What a big ship?
d. What a big ship! - Mega cooks fried chicken. It… amazing
a. was
b. has been
c. did
d. is - Bambang…. an accident when he had been in Indonesia.
a. gets
b. get
c. had got
d. got - Alina…. her favorite songs every night
a. Sings
b. Sang
c. Sing
D. Singing
Kunci Jawaban
- A
- D
- A
- B
- C
- C
- A
- B
- B
- A
- A
- D
- D
- D
- A
Akhir Kata
Baik sobat inggrispemula itulah 15 contoh soal latihan grammar bahasa Inggris untuk pemula. Jika artikel ini bermanfaat silahkan untuk share ke sobat-sobat kalian yang lainnya ya.
Inspirasi Outfit Kekinian Disini
Baca juga : Latihan Bahasa Inggris Belajar Kosakata
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